TATW 2023
2-3 MARCH 2023
Welcome to the Teal Land, now it is time to start thinking about your personal adventure at the conference!
As we are entering the jungle, where endless paths of possibilities might be challenging to choose from, Toni and Kai thought about some guidance for you.
There are different kinds of footprints, which can help you to find the treasures and places most valuable in your current personal Teal journey.
Look out for the footprints which the story tellers are tagged with, so you can follow the trail or make a mix to individually shape your path based on your needs and curiosity.
Which trail should I follow?
Let’s start with a little reflection …
Where are you personally on your Teal Journey?
Where is your client/organization/business on their Teal Journey?
Which trail will help you get to the next stage of your journey?
We offer four different trails, connecting those who might currently face similar challenges and share interest in similar topics of storytelling.
We also welcome free spirited adventurers who don’t want to follow any specific trail and create their own map for this journey.
The jungle is fully yours to be explored!
Starting a new business is a great adventure with possibly a smaller team, high motivation and facing a lot of uncertainty every day. Quick reactions, fast movements and daring to make big jumps without a safety net might be your daily reality. Looking at the depth of experience in your teal practice we recommend the two footprints to follow:
The lemur with its incredible curiosity and their skilful movements between the branches will guide our start up adventurers who are at the beginning of their teal journey and are eager to learn more about the concept and initial challenges ahead.
The woodfrog with its high residency for cold weather and his fast long-range movements will guide our start up adventurers with experience in Teal practice, looking for the next level to reach and facing new challenges.
Established organizations
Your organization is well established in the market and many people work in different teams, departments and levels to bring the organizational long term strategy to life. Sudden changes in the environment, economy or global politics might challenge established processes or traditional structures. Looking at how far your or your organization is on the path of a journey towards teal, here are the two foot prints we recommend for you:
The elephant with its strong social bond in big herds, moving and taking challenges together, will guide our adventurers of established organizations who are at the beginning of the journey to bring teal principles to their organizations.
The crow with its wisdom and inner compass in large flocks when moving in winter towards south, will guide our adventurers of established organizations who have a strong base and experience in Teal practice but looking for challenging thoughts even beyond Teal.
The Speakers
Numerous speakers are excited to share their story of teal with you and to dive into meaningful conversations and exchange around their topics.
As we're wrapping up the last details watch this place for updates and follow this link for the schedule.
Keynote Speakers
I would like to meet and connect with new people.
Will I have the opportunity?
Absolutely! We are a community connecting communities and we love making space for people to connect with each other. There will be several opportunities to do so.
We went crazy last year with a midnight apero with some of the storytellers... and it was amazing!
In our magical jungle there are lounge areas in the spatial chat, look around and explore and you might be surprised who you will bump into!
Which tools do I need to attend TATW?
We will be using ZOOM, MURAL and Spatial Chat. All three are free-of-
charge and 100% cloud based. We also recommend an open mind, curious heart, and passionate spirit!
You can download the app, if you would like to, but that won’t be necessary. If you do want to run zoom locally, we advise you to run the latest version!
I cannot attend the full festival. How can I make the most of the ticket I paid for?
TATW is a 100% virtual event so you can come and go on your own terms. In case you cannot attend a session that you are interested in.
Access to recorded videos will be made available to all participants after the event.
I can only attend the 1st wave. Can I pay only 1/3 of the ticket?
We know what it’s like to be a busy bee! That's why we designed a ticket that leaves no one behind. Your entry ticket gives you full access to everything you want to attend and everything you missed.
Video recordings of all sessions will be available to all participants after the event.
Where can I find the agenda and the speakers?
The list of speakers can be found here. We will add the agenda to this website as soon as we have details available. If you want to be notified early, make sure to sign up for our newsletter and follow us on Social Media to be among the first to know!
My plans changed and I will not be able to attend. Can I get a refund?
We respect commitments and we will do our best to honor ours.
Please send a request for refund to thetealnetwork@gmail.com.
I am a student and I would love to attend the Festival, but my budget is limited. How can I get a discount?
We love having students who are passionate about the future of organizations, which means we would love to have you join us at Teal Around the World! For this, we have created a ticket with a special price for students. In order to get access to it, send us an email to here with your information and we will grant you access to the special price.
I have another question. Who can help me?
Before #TATW2022, we are all hanging out at the Teal Network on LinkedIn.
So why don’t you come along and join us there?
Coming closer to the event next year, Toni the Bee will be running our Twitter Account. It'll be the go to spot for all the need-to-knows and latest updates.
And if you're still looking for inspiration check out our Social Media Accounts below.
We love hearing from you!