Tom Nixon
Teal, Source, and Dancing with Masculine and Feminine Leadership
20 years experience of the rollercoaster ride of being a founder. I've been involved in start-ups, growth, pivoting, turnarounds and even closing. I now focus on research and support for other founders as well as my own start-up, Maptio.
My approach is a mix of coaching, personal transformation, and practical support. I usually help at times of change or challenge for founders. If you have any needs like these then let's have a conversation:
- Reconnect to why you started your initiative and figure out what’s next for you
- Learn how to step into the creative role of holding a purposeful vision
- Build a highly participatory organisation structure and culture
- Get money flowing around your initiative (and life) sustainably
- Maintain the startup passion as your initiative grows
- Resolve unhelpful tensions with co-founders
- Creatively plan succession, mergers and acquisitions
My book - Work with Source: Realise big ideas, organise for emergence and work artfully with money was published in March 2021:
My startup, Maptio is an online software product for organisations operating without traditional management structures. Maptio helps you track and visualise who's responsible for what and how the big vision breaks down into the smaller ideas that support it.
“Tom is a truly inspirational independent thinker who comes from an authentic and loving space. Tom challenges and inspires in such a way that it feels fun to talk about scary stuff and act on uncomfortable insights. All of it leads to more competence, confidence and courage. Thanks Tom for your coaxing coaching!”
- Asa Silfverberg.
Session outline
A fireside chat between Tom Nixon (author of Work with Source and founder of Maptio) and Fanny Norlin (seasoned business leader and expert practitioner in feminine leadership). They'll tell the story of how their journeys in two different countries came together to go beyond the Teal paradigm to create a new understanding and approach to realizing big ideas in the world. Fanny will offer a big upgrade from the old dichotomy between masculinity and femininity to a juicy, powerful new paradigm of leadership and collaboration, weaving in Tom's perspective on the 'role of source' based on Peter Koenig's seminal research. Going beyond theory they'll give you a glimpse of what it's like to put all of this to work in dynamic, modern workplaces to make big, purposeful ideas a reality.